
The x射线晶体学中心 was fully renovated in November 2007 and houses a single-crystal X-ray diffraction system, a brand-new 布鲁克D8风险投资 diffractometer, providing X-ray diffraction tools for structural characterization of small molecules (organic, 无机及有机金属). X-ray structure analysis of small-molecule are conducted primarily on single crystals submitted by researchers within the university. 作为扩展服务, the facility also accepts sample submissions from research organizations outside the university.

学生 are encouraged to learn to operate the instrumentation, 自己收集数据, 并解决他们自己的结构. Practical training, supervision, advice, and assistance are provided by the facility director. The art and science of X-ray crystallography are introduced as a graduate/undergraduate course. Graduate students and post-docs who have completed in-house training may work independently. Undergraduate students generally work directly with the facility director.

Complete X-Ray Crystallography Center Description

General 电子游戏软件 for each certificate course is $150. 




The facility maintains a state-of-the-art 布鲁克D8风险投资 fully automated single crystal diffractometer, duo wavelength system with high brightness ImuS molybdenum and copper source, coupled with a PHOTON II CPAD detector. This system can obtain charge density quality data with Mo radiation and exploit all the advantages of Cu wavelength for absolute structure determination and diffraction experiments on ever smaller organic crystals. Low temperature device used is an Oxford 800 series Cryostream system with temperature range of 80-400 K. An LEICA M125 stereo zoom microscope is used to view and mount crystals. The X-ray Crystallographic Facility also includes a Crystal Growth Laboratory, equipped to aid students in obtaining crystals suitable for structure determination.

The facility has two Dell Precision workstations for data collection, 结构解决与细化. 软件包包括APEX4, TWINABS, CELL_NOW, ROTAX, 普拉登, WINGX, and a license for the Cambridge Structural Database™ (CSD).


The X-Ray Crystallography Center operates on a 24/7 schedule.

服务 is provided for all aspects of small molecule crystallography:

  • 结晶
  • Sample examination and evaluation (optical and diffraction)
  • 数据收集和简化  
  • 结构解决与细化 
  • 演示文稿图形准备 
  • Preparation of tables and cif files for publication
  • File submission to the Cambridge Structural Database™

Turn around time is highly dependent on crystal quality and size.


Boknevitz K.; Italia, J. S.; Li, B.; Chatterjee, A.; Liu, S.-Y. "Synthesis and Characterization of an Unnatural Boron and Nitrogen-containing Tryptophan Analogue and its Incorporation into Proteins" 化学. Sci. 2019, 10, 4994-4998.

克罗克特,米. P.; Tyrol, C. C.; Wong, A. S.; Li, B.; Byers, J. A. "Iron-Catalyzed Suzuki–Miyaura Cross-Coupling Reactions between Alkyl Halides and Unactivated Arylboronic Esters" Org. 列托语. 2018, 20, 5233-5237.

刘,Z.; Ishibashi, J. S. A.; Darrigan, C.; Dargelos, A.; Chrostowska, A.; Li, B.; Vasiliu, M.; Dixon, D. A.; Liu, S.-Y. “The Least Stable Isomer of BN Naphthalene: Toward Predictive Trends for the Optoelectronic Properties of BN Acenes" J. Am. 化学. Soc. 2017, 139, 6082-6085.

Mikus, M. S.; Torker, S.; Xu, C.; Li, B.; Hoveyda, A. H. " Pentacoordinate Ruthenium(ll) Catecholthiolate and Mercaptophenolate Catalysts for Olefin Metathesis: Anionic Ligand Exchange and Ease of Initiation " Organometallics 2016, 35, 3878-3892.

文档, Manuals, Notes, and Useful Links

Please note that all work performed in BC core facilities and recharge centers should always be appropriately acknowledged.  If you are publishing or presenting data acquired in BC core facilities and recharge centers, please include the following statement in the Acknowledgement section of your manuscript/poster/presentation, "The authors would like to thank the 电子游戏软件 for assistance with the work presented in this paper/poster/presentation*."


导演, x射线晶体学 Cente

Dr. Bo Li joined the 化学istry Department at 电子游戏软件 in January 2008. He served as a staff crystallographer in the Department of 化学istry, 纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼/, 他在哪里获得博士学位的.D. 在无机化学中. 李博士是土生土长的中国人. 李得了B.S. in material sciences from Tongji University and a M.S. majoring in crystal growth and crystallography at Beijing Polytechnic University. Dr. Li has collected and solved over 2000 crystal structures of inorganic and organic compounds. He has substantial experience in handling crystal samples that are liquids at ambient temperature, 极其不稳定, 对潮湿和空气敏感, 非常小的, 严重失调或双胞胎. His research interests focus on inorganic and organometallic chemistry of heterometallic compounds.

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