Shawna Cooper Whitehead

Dr. Shawna Cooper Whitehead

Vice President for Student Affairs

Shawna Cooper Whitehead, 他于2021年8月加入电子游戏软件,担任学生事务副校长. Prior to that, 她曾担任Seton Hall的学生服务副总裁,在那里她是行政内阁成员,并提供领导和指导,以促进与学生福利有关的所有事项的决策. 肖娜管理着广泛的学生支持和学术项目,包括学术资源中心, Career Center, Educational Opportunity Program (EOP), Freshman Studies, Health Services, Housing and Residence Life, and Public Safety and Security. 她是学生成功委员会主席和大学多样性联合主席 & Inclusion Committee and the Health Intervention and Communication Team. 

在此之前,Shawna曾担任芝加哥洛约拉大学的助理教务长. 她还曾担任芝加哥大学社会服务管理学院的院长, 西北大学非裔美国学生事务主任, 麻省理工学院学生活动办公室助理主任,芝加哥洛约拉大学传播学院助理院长. 

Shawna earned a doctoral degree of education from Boston University, 国立路易斯大学教育学硕士学位和伊利诺伊大学理学学士学位.

Drop in and say hello!

Shawna holds open office hours most Fridays from 3:00-5:00 p.m. 

Spring Semester Open Office Hours: 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9, 2/16, 2/23, 3/1, 3/15, 3/22, 4/12, 4/19, 4,26, 5/3, 5/10


Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs Staff

Melinda Stoops, Ph.D.
Melinda Stoops, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President
Student Health and Wellness
Melinda Stoops, Ph.D.

Melinda Stoops, Ph.D.

Associate Vice President

Student Health and Wellness

梅琳达于2017年加入电子游戏软件社区,此前她在弗雷明汉州立大学(Framingham State University)工作了14年,担任过各种职务, including as the Associate Vice President/Dean of Students. 梅琳达是一名持牌心理学家,对学生健康相关因素特别感兴趣. 额外的高等教育经验包括在雷德福大学提供咨询服务, Saint Mary of the Woods College, and Indiana University.

Melinda is an active member of her professional organization, NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education. 她曾在区域和国家一级任职,目前是第一区域当选主任. 她于2017年被NASPA认可为AVP/高级学生事务专业奖的首届获得者.

Melinda earned her B.A. in Psychology from Smith College, an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Radford University, and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Indiana State University.

Colleen Dallavalle, M.A.
Colleen Dallavalle, M.A.
Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Formation
Colleen Dallavalle, M.A.

Colleen Dallavalle, M.A.

Associate Vice President for Student Engagement and Formation

Coming soon.

Jonathan Hinrichs, M.B.A.
Jonathan Hinrichs, M.B.A.
Director of Finance and Operations
Jonathan Hinrichs, M.B.A.

Jonathan Hinrichs, M.B.A.

Director of Finance and Operations

Jonathan Hinrichs is Director of Finance and Business Operations. He is responsible for financial planning, budgeting, accounting, resource allocation, and business services for the Division of Student Affairs.  乔纳森从加州大学直接进入电子游戏软件, 在圣克鲁斯,他管理大学的一个部门的财务和商业运作.  Prior to that, 他曾在户外产品行业从事财务和运营工作,也曾在《电子游戏软件》杂志担任制图师.  

Jonathan holds an M.B.A. from the University of Colorado and a B.S. from Mary Washington College.

Claire Ostrander
Claire Ostrander
Special Assistant to the Vice President for Strategic Initiatives
Claire Ostrander

Claire Ostrander

Special Assistant to the Vice President for Strategic Initiatives

克莱尔在弗雷明汉州立大学工作了11年,担任过各种职务,于2017年加入电子游戏软件社区, 包括学生参与和领导力发展办公室主任. 在担任VPSA战略倡议特别助理之前, 克莱尔担任学生参与的临时副总裁和学生参与办公室主任.

Claire earned her B.A. in Secondary Education and History from Boston College, an M.A. 获得电子游戏软件高等教育管理学士学位,并获得行政教育硕士学位.D. in Higher Education from Boston College.


Judy Z. Ferres, M.A.
Judy Z. Ferres, M.A.
Director of Administrative Services
Judy Z. Ferres, M.A.

Judy Z. Ferres, M.A.

Director of Administrative Services

Judy Ferres是学生事务部行政服务主任.  在这个职位上,她负责与部门相关的人力资源活动, partners with Information Technology Services, Facilities, and Institutional Research and Planning on divisional projects, planning and improvements.  Prior to working in Student Affairs, 朱迪曾担任电子游戏软件机构多样性办公室副主任. In this capacity, 她的职责包括制定和实施大学的平权行动计划,并确保机会均等.  作为她工作的一部分,朱迪是残疾服务协调委员会的一个组成部分,该委员会致力于确保BC社区所有成员(学生)的包容, faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and visitors). 

Before joining BC, 朱迪曾在波士顿一家国际律师事务所担任人力资源顾问, where her focus was affirmative action program development, I-9 audits and other compliance related projects. Prior to the law firm, Judy worked in various HR management capacities in non-profit, professional services, automotive and financial industries. This work include time working in London, England and in Michigan.

In addition to her human resources certifications (SPHR, SHRM-SCP and SCAAP), 她拥有韦恩州立大学的硕士学位和东密歇根大学的学士学位.


Lisa Berasi, M.A.
Lisa Berasi, M.A.
Sr. Assoc. Director, Marketing and Communications
Lisa Berasi, M.A.

Lisa Berasi, M.A.

Sr. Assoc. Director, Marketing and Communications

丽莎·贝拉西是营销和传播高级副总监. 她负责营销策略和沟通的执行, graphics, branding, and oversees the division’s online presence.

Previously, 丽莎曾在一家金融服务公司担任高级平面设计师和营销助理, specializing in requests for proposal development, brand management, and the creation of print and web publications. 最近,她曾在一家政府关系公司担任业务发展经理,并在生物技术领域担任自由平面设计师, education, and financial services industries.

Lisa holds a B.A. in Studio Art from Lake Forest College, 波士顿博物馆美术学院平面设计证书, and an M.S.A. from Boston College.

Karen Fiorentino, M.A.
Karen Fiorentino, M.A.
Executive Assistant to the Vice President
Karen Fiorentino, M.A.

Karen Fiorentino, M.A.

Executive Assistant to the Vice President

凯伦是负责学生事务的副校长的行政助理. In her role, 凯伦是副校长的学生行政联络人, parents, and the Boston College community.  In addition, she supervises nine students working in the VPSA office.  Karen holds a B.A. and an M.A. degree from Boston College.

Amy Pildner, M.S.
Amy Pildner, M.S.
Student Affairs Administrator
Amy Pildner, M.S.

Amy Pildner, M.S.

Student Affairs Administrator

Amy Pildner is the Student Affairs Administrator. 她负责推进学生事务处的工作, with a particular focus on integrated learning, staff professional development, 创造符合部门战略计划的学生体验和项目. She works closely with all thirteen departments within Student Affairs. 艾米还协助学生事务沟通倡议和数字参与.

Before transitioning to the Division of Student Affairs, Amy joined Boston College in the Supported Employment Program, 为校园里有发育障碍的员工提供支持. 此外,艾米是不列颠哥伦比亚省妇女合作指导委员会的成员.

Amy earned her B.A. in Psychology from Ithaca College and graduated May 2024 with her M.S. 在电子游戏软件攻读领导与管理专业,主修行政领导与组织发展.